
Android Jetpack contains a set of libraries & components to build a perfect application and the navigation component is part of it.
Revolutionizing Mobile App Development with Kotlin Multiplatform
Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile is a cross platform technology in which we can share code between Android and IOS platform. KMM uses kotlin programming language & it becomes very popular among us due to its simple & expressive syntax.
Why web app and web protyping is necessary
Any web or app development project goes through a series of processes that can be time-consuming and costly, depending on the approach.
Growing trend of remote development team
The talent pool in any organization may help define how well the business can survive in the long run.
Andoid or iOS Apps what to choose for your business
The future of mobile apps is vast thanks to the growing adoption of app-friendly websites and IoT solutions.
What makes android 11 highly demandable
What Makes Android 11 Highly Demandable?
By SpryBit | October 8, 2020
Android 11 is the eighteenth version of the Android operating system. Released on 8th September 2020, it is inclusive of highly intriguing features that include improved media and smart home controls along with in-built screen recording.
5G Technologies
When a cutting-edge technology is introduced to the industries, there are numerous consequences and alterations in the manners of our lifestyles and commercial trading that can be noticed significantly.
Android Instant Apps
Do you want to experience the benefits of Android apps without going for an explicit installation process? Then it is time to give a trial to instant apps that are contributions of the latest technology.
Things to consider while developing mobile apps
Technology is constantly expanding and everything is available over mobile. Whether it is news or games, everything is in the users’ hands.
How to reduce android app size
How to Reduce Android App Size
By SpryBit | September 17, 2019
Everyone is concerned about the App size, hence social media company like Facebook offers dual apps in the play or app store. One with minimum functionality is termed as liteApp whereas, on the other hand, companies like Uber, Instagram etc has also adopted this feature.
Scade enable Android App Development with Swift
Introduction To Scade With the help of Scade SDK, it delivers across cross-platform access to native controls like keyboard, map, camera etc. can be controlled through a single code.
Kotlin for Android
Kotlin for Android
By SpryBit | July 23, 2019
Kotlin was introduced by JetBrains in 2011. It wasn’t stable during the initial releases; hence, 5 years down the line 1.0 Kotlin was presented with new functionalities and additional stability.
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